Rotary Club of Bhubaneswar New Horizon - Rotary India

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Total Services 11
Seminar on practice of peace

President of the club joined the Online webinar on practice of peac. . .

Felicitation of journalist

Members participated in the event organised by RID 3262 to felicita. . .

Padayatra to sympathise with the rape victims

Members participated in the Padayatra rally with candles to show so. . .

Sponsored District event to felicitate war veteran

Members participated in the event sponsored by RID 3262 to felicita. . .

Independence Day celebration

Flag hoisting at adopted Deaf and Dumb School, Palaspalli and RCC R. . .

Participation in District Seminar on Organ Donatio

Members of the club participated in the District Seminar organised . . .

Online regular club meeting

Discussion of the proposed projects for August 2024

Participation in rally by RID 3262 on Organ Donati

Members participated in the road march rally organised by RID 3262 . . .

Online Speaker meeting on healthy diet for diabete

Dietitian Kirtipurna Maharathi addressed the members to explain the. . .

General body meeting

First general body meeting to discuss the upcoming projects for the. . .

Celebration of Doctors Day

On the Doctor’s Day two eminent lady doctors were felicitated. They. . .